On November 15, the Humanitas360 Institute released the documentary Tecendo a Liberdade (weaving freedom). The film tells the stories of struggle and overcoming of members of the COOSTAFE (Social Cooperative of Female Entrepreneurial Art Work) — the first female inmates cooperative of Brazil, formed in 2014 at the Ananindeua Women’s Reeducation Center (CRF) in Belém,...
Category: Violence Reduction
Work cooperatives help female prisoners to resocialize
Specialists say these projects should be multiplied to decrease recidivism and help women leave the drug trade Article originally published in the Folha de São Paulo newspaper on October 20, 2020. Still small and without state support, labor cooperatives formed by incarcerated women speed up the resocialization process. Inmates learn the craft, set up a...
H360 and FHC Foundation launch webinar series to discuss violence and drug legalization
The first meeting took place on September 9 with the theme “Racism and Public Security,” and was attended by Hélio Santos, lawyer Elizeu Lopes, historian Dudu Ribeiro and sociologist Samira Bueno. The Humanitas360 Institute and the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Foundation held on September 9 the webinar “Public Security and Racism,” the first of four panels...
“It has to flourish again,” says artist Guilherme Kramer after painting the Cuxá Social Cooperative mural
The artist Guilherme Kramer was invited to give color to the facade of the Cuxá Cooperative at the São Luís Women’s Penitentiary Unit, in Maranhão. On a social media post,, the artist says he understood that it was more than a job, it was a call. “In the middle of the pandemic, one of the...
An Open Conversation with Patrícia Villela Marino – Shape The World With Yemi – 30/09/2020
#shapetheworld is a series of open conversations hosted by Yemi Babington-Ashaye for people who care about global and local issues. It is an open approach to real issues that are affecting the world: unemployment, inequality, genomics, the fourth industrial revolution, pandemics and more. Together we learn from the diversity that audience participation brings, we explore...
Humanitas360 inaugurates social cooperative in São Luís women’s prison unit
The Humanitas360 Institute inaugurated last Wednesday (August 26th) morning the Cuxá Cooperative, an initiative that will encourage social entrepreneurship among imprisoned women in Pedrinhas (the São Luís Women’s Prison Unit). The project is a partnership formed with the Government of Maranhão, through the State Penitentiary Administration Office (SEAP-MA) and the National Justice Council of Brazil...
Humanitas360 get together with Maranhão women of the Mulheres do Brasil Group
In July, the president of Humanitas360, Patrícia Villela Marino, joined a conversation with Maranhão women of the Grupo Mulheres do Brasil (the Brazilian Women Group). The Zoom meeting was mediated by the entrepreneur Patrícia Maranhão and had guests from the group, who had a chance to get to know the work developed by H360. The...
Tereza products, made by women in prison and formerly incarcerated, joins the Dotsy collaborative network
This month, products made by “Tereza Vale a Pena” (Tereza is worth it) — a brand created by Humanitas360 to commercialize and disseminate products made by the inmates and ex-inmates’ cooperatives supported by the institute — started to be shared through the Dotsy collaborative network. In July, 12 of the brand’s products were published on...
H360 participates in “lives” about pandemic, invisible people and citizen engagement
In times of pandemic, live streaming is everywhere. In the last month, the Humanitas360 Institute joined two debates that give some sense of the themes we have been working on during this period of crisis. Patrícia Villela Marino, president of H360, was invited by Itaú BBA to talk to graffiti artist Mundano, Rio de Janeiro...
H360 holds a virtual meeting with women from Lili Cooperative
On May 26, in partnership with the Instituto Responsa, the Humanitas360 Institute held a virtual meeting with the members of Cooperative Lili, a group that was formed within the Women’s Penitentiary II of Tremembé. At the meeting, they had a mini-course of ideas to generate extra income in this period of crisis, besides psycho-social assistance....